Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1736.12.27

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Index Entry Lyric, moral [beg] Since we can die but once, and after 
Location New York 
27 Dec 1736:11 (164)
Since we can die but once, and after death
Our state no alteration knows;
But, when we have resign'd our breath,
Th' immortal spirit goes
To endless joys, or everlasting woes.
. . . [47 lines, then:]
Musick no more delights our deaf'ning ears,
Restores our joys or dissipates our fears;
. . . [50 more lines], to be continued

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1736.12.27 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0031285
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